Welcome to MacTunes
We have been around writing music, creating a magazine buzz for Indies artist branding, have a podcast, and develop videos for social media. this blog will be for discussion on music business, producing music/video, how to make money growing your brand, and other topics they you may want to discuss as it pertains to the business of music. Yin upcoming blogs we will further discuss MacTunes and how we can help develop your brand.

Music has always been apart of life for all. Creating beats or music that others can create from and enjoy is a special. Its gratifying when any creation from the heart turn out well. MacTunes works with many writers that feel the same way. The trick here is to find the creation that brings the best out of an artist which then allows for a foundation to build a brand on after finalization.
The next step is to find way to promote the creation and find other that will appreciate it and possibly purchase in it. MacTunes created a magazine and had a radio station that only featured indies artist or major artist trying to regain favor. With the ever evolving social media outlets, branding can be accomplished without a large budget or major contract with a label.
This blog will be focused on just that and hopefully our audience grows and shares their achievements and struggles in the pursue of their identities in the world of music business. world.
Let's work together and learn how to successful develop and hold market share.